Kamis, 01 September 2016

The Adventure Of The Dragonia Episode 2

The dragon spread a blue fire as a warning that the dragon will came back and destroy the village.Then the dragon fly away to it's cave to the farland.The dragon was injured from the battle, Pholexa give Welsina a bottle of healing potion, Welsina drank the healing potion suddenly the wound is heal. Pholexa took the baby animals to Pholexa's castle,Phoelxa summon a white pegasus, "Come on Welsina let's go, ride on Slivon's back to the castle" "Okay".Pholexa & Welsina fly to the castle with Silvon."Almost there hold on" said Pholexa "O-Okay", Pholexa told Silvon to land down in front of the Magic Castle's gate.Welsina jump of Silvon and throw up on the ground "Are you okay Welsina?" Pholexa said to Welsina "I'm f-fine for now" said Welsina "Okay..well are you coming?" Pholexa said "Wait....okay lets go" Welsina reply to Pholexa's question.Pholexa says "Silvon you can go now, bye" Silvon flew away back to his place.Welsina says "Come on Pholexa lets go to the Magic Castle" Pholexa says "Okay-okay geez, be patient" Welsina says "Whatever lets go i'm hungry".Welsina goes in to the castle first and leave Pholexa behind, Pholexa catch up.Welsina says "WHERE 'S THE FOOD, I'M HUNGRY" Pholexa says "Didn't I tell you to be patient, dinners is coming in a minute" Welsina says "But I'm hungry" Pholexa says "Patient", after a while "DING DING DING" the waiter ring the hand bell.Pholexa said "Welsina the food is ready" Welsina reply while training "I'm not hungry any more" Pholexa said  while teaseing "Okay i'm gonna eat all of your food" Welsina said "Okay I'm hungry now".Welsina ran torwards the dining hall and seats on the chair,and then Pholexa said "that was quick" Welsina said "where's the food?" and then a few waiters come in to the dining hall and brought a few diffrent dish.Suddenly there's a knocking sound at the castle's dining hall Welsina said"what now, I'm hungry" Pholexa replys"I invited a few guest for dinner and discuss about the dragon issues". Someone says "Did I come late?" Pholexa recognize that person it's.................


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