Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

The Story of A Little GIrl

Once upon atime, there lived a little girl named Charlotte. She wasn't like the other kids. She cose reading book instead of playing around. She was five at that time. Her friends liked to bully her, that's why she never looked happy at school, although the teacher liked to praise her because of her achievement. Her friends were also jealous of her because of this. They liked to ock her a lot

She finally gave up and didn't want to go to school anymore. her parents were so confused and thought that her decision was unreasonable. So they forced her to go to school, but she refused. They even called the teacher to persuade her to go to school. But, this effort also failed. Eventually, her parents gave up and called a homeschooling teacher.

Time went by, and she grew into a young girl. That was the time she went into middle school, but the same incident happened again. She felt so depressed and stressful.

One day, a young man entered her life and changed everything. That guy told her, nothing gonna change by her doing this. He also said that giving up and running away wouldn't solve anything. What she should do, was  proved that what everybody thought were totally wrong.
She realized and was very excited to start a new beginning. she wanted to prove to everyone that by reading, you could get so much profit.
She was so confident with herself, and she challenged herself to prove thsat her decision was right.

The process surely took a time, but the result was amazing. All her hard works were paid.

She became a very successful and well-known author.

Everybody that ever mocked her were so surprised with her achievement now.

In her first interview, she told that the pain she ever got when she was a child meet her as she is right now. And also about the boy that appeared at her darkest time. The boy who gave her courage and motivationto do something different.

"One thing that I always remember about that boy, he said, ' Everybody may give up on you, but you may not give up on yourself '. It really fired me up, and made me wanted to do something at that time. It's still my motto until today".

Message : You should never underestimate your own power, because everything starts with your thoughts. And be brave to step forward.

Story by: Cherish Ravella

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